What are all the things that came up while we were writing? Here’s where we talk about how we kept going, what we learned in the process, and getting to the end.
- First draft didn’t have conflict
- Journaling helps me discover
- Finally came to an idea and just threw something on the page
- Like my beginnings, but struggling with putting it together cohesively and not cliché
- Worry about comparing my writing to Katelyn’s
- Writing out of order—too disjointed, never finish an actual scene. Makes it hard to fully capture a cohesive tone of the overall story.
- No dialogue
- Is there enough development/emotion?? Does the reader have enough time to understand why the character makes such an uncharacteristic choice?
- Too much exposition? Information dumps? Foreshadowing?
- Pantsing leaves a lot of room for the plot to take off where it wants and for the characters to make their owb decisions.